Cyberattacks are on the rise throughout the construction industry and can be costly to your company if you fall victim. According to IBM, the average cost of a data breach in the United States was $9.05 million in 2021. Unfortunately, this is only one of the many of risks that come with cyberattacks.
But there are measures your company can take to help prevent cyberattacks. We’ve outlined a few with our McCormick Hosted IT Datasheet. See some of the steps you can take to have a more secure system to protect your sensitive project and company data.
Download the Datasheet

The beginners guide for basic IT Security:

Have strong passwords

Key aspects of a strong password: length, mix of upper and lower letters, numbers and symbols – for example, a1B!c2D@e3F#
Use a password management solution – these programs will store long, unique passwords for online accounts

Have backups of all key
data and information to
protect against ransomware

Perform off site backups at least
once a year
Test backups to validate you can recover your data in the event of an emergency
Review backups to ensure the data you are backing up is relevant and add new sources of data as requirements change

Good message hygiene

Set up anti-spam and malware rules to block malicious emails
Configure multi-layered detection (multiple levels of security examination) to prevent various spam, malware and more
Use email warning tags to raise awareness in identifying suspicious email

Endpoint protection

Implement this security application to protect business endpoints such as laptops, servers or anything that connects to the internet to stop users from running malicious programs

Set up security awareness

Train employees on how to identify and report activity — see something say something mentality

Physical security

Encrypt laptops for protection

Take your protection a step further by following recommendations and best practices from a security framework that works best for your business. Some examples include:

  • NIST
  • ISO 27001 and ISO27002
  • NERC-Clp
  • PCI
  • SOC2
  • GDPR

McCormick offers a secure way to gather estimates and perform digital takeoff with McCormick Hosted — a cloud-based solution designed to keep your data secure. With automatic system backups and security updates, McCormick Hosted takes the stress out of keeping your data secure.

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